Friday, August 5, 2011

Math foundation is important!

Dear Parents,

Can you remember Mr. Tsu's letter dated 4 Jan 2011?

"The '10,000 hour theory' posits that people who do well in Mathematics would have practised more than 10,000 hours over about 10 years of their lives as a student.

The number of hours for Math in the classroom is not enough. If your child can't do basic addition and subtraction, your child will definitely can't do the topic on Money. The accumulated topics that your child doesn't know will increase as days go by. I hope you will understand my concern.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Dear Parents,

1) Next Thursday, there is a performance task. The topics are Numbers to 100 and Money.

2) Some of you have not signed the worksheet on Numbers to 100. Please ensure your child complete the Math corrections.

3) This coming Monday, students will be able to go home at 10am. Students are to wear red and white but no sleeveless T-shirt please.