Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Math: Solving Word Problems

Math Activity (It is NOT homework.)

Date: 23 February 2012
Venue: 1F Classroom

Click Here

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Computer Lessons for 1F

Dear Parents,

Your child has created an GMail account in LMS during the computer lesson today. Every Wednesday, they are in the computer lab for 2 periods.

Currently, they are learning keyboard Typing. There are 4 levels for one to master the keyboard letters.

Dear Boys and Girls, I'm glad that most of you have completed Level 1. Keep up the good work! You must be patient to place your fingers correctly before you start the online lesson. If you insist to use two fingers to complete the stages, you are wasting your time and you will not succeed in learning it.

To access GMail in LMS:

  1. Go to LMS (
  2. Click on Tools at the main blue bar.
  3. Click on Google Apps under Collaborative Learning
  4. Click on Gmail for Education
  5. If there is a 'Security Warning' small window, click on 'Yes'
  6. Finally, it is GMail

P1 Math Topical Review

Dear Parents,

Your child will be having a Math Topical Review on week 9 (Wednesday, 29 February). This is ungraded. It is to check on your child's understanding.

Chapters covered are
1) Numbers to 10
2) Number  Bonds
3) Addition within 10
4) Subtraction within 10

If Math Workbook 1A Part 2 is at home, please let your child bring it to school by next week. The next chapter after 'Subtraction within 10' will be 'Numbers to 20'.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Word Order - Ungraded Test

Dear Parents,

There will be an ungraded short test on Word Order on 20 February 2012.
The objective is to check if students can read words and re-arrange the given words to form a sentence.

Points to note:
  • Begin with capital letter
  • Use comma in the correct places
  • end with a full-stop
I will give 1F an exercise for practice.

Lesson learned on structure:
Unit 1- The ...can..., The ... can't ....
Examples: The farmer can sleep. The farmer can't sleep.

Unit 2 & 4- 'He', 'She', 'I' and 'They' at the start of a sentence.
Unit 3-
Use a comma in the correct places.
Examples: He likes to eat chocolate, cake, ice cream and pizza.
Name of a noun must use capital letters.
Example: Hairy Bear (spelling words)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Show and Tell Session

There will be a Show and Tell Session next week.

The topic of the Show and Tell is ‘My Family/My Mummy’. The objectives for this session are to provide your child/ward a platform for him/her to share something with his/her classmates, and to build his/her confidence in public speaking. Your child/ward is encouraged to bring a drawing or photo of his/her family/Mummy.

Day/ Date
Monday 13 Feb 12
Index No 1-6
Tuesday, 14 Feb 12
Index No 7-12
Wednesday, 15 Feb 12
Index No 13-18
Thursday, 16 Feb 12
Index No 19-24
Friday 17 Feb 12
Index No 25-30

Here are some suggestions on how you can help to prepare your child/ward for their Show and Tell session.
You are free to include more/other points to make your child’s/ward’s presentation more interesting.

For example:
Introduction of Show and Tell presentation
• Greet the teacher and friends.
• Introduce themselves 

(Good morning, Ms Soh and friends. I am ....... of 1F.)
• Introduce the topic “This morning/Today, I will be sharing with you about my _______” ( topic )

Development of Show and Tell presentation
Topic: My Family
• Start with “This is a photo/drawing of my family”
• How many members are there in the family?
• Where do your child/ward and family live?
• Share about their parents’ occupation
• Share about their brothers or sisters

Topic: My Mummy
• Start with “This is a photo/drawing of my mummy”
• How is mummy's look like?
• Share about mummy's occupation

• What do they like to do with their mummy?

How to end his/her Show and Tell presentation
• Share their feelings towards their family/mummy. ("I am happy/glad .....")
• End the session by thanking the class for their attention. ("Thank you for your attention.")

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Handwriting Ungraded Test

"...many kids can improve their handwriting if they work at it with the help of a grownup."1

I am sure all of us know the importance of legible handwriting. If we don't cultivate a habit to write legibly, I would believe this bad habit would stay with us.

There will be an ungraded test on handwriting in next week (week 6). And there is another similar test on handwriting in Term 2.

Good handwriting:
1) All letters are on the line.
2) All letters are correctly formed.
3) Even spacing between all letters and words.