Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 1: Lessons learned

Dear Parents,

You may reinforce the lessons at home.

English: Reading, Listening, Speaking
Vocabulary: Chicken Rice & The Underground Dance (Check the spelling list)
compound word
Word Identification
Vowels: [ou/ow] in ground/down
Vowels: [short i, a, e] in dig, back, legs
Pronouns; Verbs; Nouns; Contractions

Math: Numbers To 1000
Counting; Place Value; Comparing Numbers Within 1000


Sunday, January 13, 2013

CCA: PAL Programme

Dear Parents,

PAL Programme
  1. Visual Arts Module (Start: Term 1 Week 1; End: Term 2 Week 1)
  2. Sports & Games Module (Start: Term 2 Week 2; End: Term 2 Week 10)
  3. Performing Arts Module (Start: Term 3 Week 1; End: Term 3 Week 7)
  4. Outdoor Education Module (Start: Term 3 Week 8; End: Term 4 Week 9)
Please note that certain weeks have no PAL because of examination.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Change of Timetable

Dear Parents,

There's a slight change in the Timetable. I'll give your child an updated one next week.

Physical Education (PE):
Monday - 2 periods
Thursday - 1 period (0915-0945)

Health Education (HE):
Friday - 1 period (1015-1045)

Your child needs to wear PE attire on
Monday (PE),
Wednesday (Workout) &
Thursday (PE)

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents,

Wishing you and family a Happy New Year!

I am glad to have your child in the class. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child, and to working in partnership with you to provide a good education for your child.

Parents play an important role in influencing the child’s ability to excel in his/her work. Therefore, parents’ supervision is vital in maximising his/her learning. I would like to seek your cooperation in ensuring that your child packs the school bag according to the class timetable daily and hands in homework on time. Written work must be acknowledged if parent’s signature is required. I would also appreciate it if you would keep in touch with me to exchange views on your child’s progress.
Thank you and looking forward to working with you in 2013.

Yours Sincerely,