Term 1:
determiner: the
structure: The .... can..., The ... can't ...
conjunction: and
pronouns: he, she
preposition: over, in, into
punctuation: comma
contractions: don't, I'll, I'm, you're
pronouns: I, you, they, he, she
structure: I'm ... I'm not ...
articles: a, an
pronouns: it, me
question word: What
structure: What do you ...; What could it ...;
Possessive adjective: my
This is/It is my ...
...is my...
preposition: in, on
verbs: go, fly, play, swing
sentence structure: I am a
teacher. Here is ..., See me ...?
Term 2:
uncountable nouns
contractions: that's, I'll, don't, I'm, you're, there's
conjunctions: or, so
pronoun: who, your
structure: Will you ... I will/can't ...
punctuation: capital letters
structure: "..... ," said ......
pronouns: we, your
adjectives: big, tough
vowels: ice, ate, no
adjectives: big, tough
adjectives: colours, size
structures: The ... ate ... for breakfast
blends: /gr/, /dr/, /cr/
pronouns: my, mine, our, everyone
structures: Whose
Is this ....?
It's my/our ...
This is ...
contraction: it's
verbs: -ing
pronouns: it, me
structures: I can see ...
It is ....ing
letter sounds: /sl/, /qu/, ...sh
present continuous tense
Term 3:
prepositions: phrases, e.g., up the hill
contractions: there's, it's, he's
structure: There's a ________ in the _______.
pronouns: she/her, he/his
past tense: huffed, puffed, etc.
contractions: haven't, that's, can't
structure: The ______ verbed and verbed.
pronouns: her, him, me
possessive adjectives: my, your
structure: (pronoun/noun) (verbed) when (pronoun/noun) (verbed)
her, him, it
eg: My baby sister cried when Mother carried her.
punctuation: commas to separate repeated words, eg. Thee, there ...
Oh, oh!
conjunction: and comma
past tense verbs: waddled, prowled, scratched, scraped
contractions: you're; you've, we'll
prepositions: phrases eg., around/in the farmyard, in the pot.
structure: On (day of the week), the __ (noun)___ (past verb - ed)
Term 4:
conjunctions: but, so
verbs: grow/grew; go/went, etc.
adjectives: big, sweet, juicy
structure: They (verbed) but they could not (verb). So they (verbed) …..[variations of the story]
articles: a/an
past tense: swallowed, wriggled, jiggled, wriggled
contractions: she's, she'll, don't
structure: There was/I know a/an ____ who (past verb) a/an ____.
timeless present: has/have, is/are, wear/wears, do/does, walk/walks
possessive: ('s)
irregular singular/plural: (hoof/hooves)