Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 5-8: Lessons learned

Dear Parents,

You may reinforce the lessons at home.

English: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing
Vocabulary: Beware of the Cat and Bad Dreams (Check the spelling list)
Word Identification:
Initial consonants: [cl, fl, str, fr] example: clothes, floor, street, friends
Consonant blends: pr, thr, squ, dr, br
Vowels: short u as in but
Word parts: -atch, -at, -ish, -tle 
Rhyming: cat/fat, claws/jaws
Pronouns: [she, her, they, we, I]
Collective nouns: people, herd, flock, school, class, etc.
Verbs: simple past:
positive and negative: fixed, didn't fix
irregular forms: go/went
Prepositions: by or for, in, under, to, with, on,
Conjunction: and
Adjectives: refer to the spelling list
Quantifiers: no more, some, no (room), little (room) too many, all
Phrases of time sequence: the next night, that night, by the end of the week, then

Using Models for Word problem
Heuristics: Act it out